After that miserable failure I found some more calypso orchids, and got some fair shots with the 105 mm. Want to go back and try with the 200, maybe even with the telextender for a narrow field of view. Blocked the breeze pretty effectively with the ground cloth and diffuser; used the plamp for the first time to hold the diffuser in place. That diffuser has come in very handy for macro photography of flowers.

Lunch was very pleasant. Two kinds of soups, homemade bread, cheese biscuits, and outrageous brownies. The crew was finishing up their spring cleaning of the visitor center. Washing, dusting, hanging pictures (from the Artist in Residence last spring; fall is still pending from a water colorist). The futon in the cabin was privately owned and returned, but a new one unexpectedly came in a few hours.
Printed a little bit, but thought about what to do next. Wanted to go up to Coon Lake, but was told that if Agnes Gorge is still snowed in, Coon Lake still higher would definitely have snow. Not quite ready to try snowshoes. It was relatively cool today, which is good because if the snow melts slowly enough, maybe there won't be flooding. They had about 7 feet of snow last winter; 4 feet is more typical. If we have a series of hot days there is apparently a real chance roads could wash out at some points. Might try Rainbow Loop again, maybe go all the way.
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