Yesterday was a big photo day -- from 6 to 6 and south to north. I started out on the lakeshore trail just after sunrise. I don't need to get up before dawn because it takes a while for the sun to get over the mountains. As I face the river, the sun in at my back, shining on the mountains across the river. Finally it wasn't overcast and there was some decent early morning light.
I found one place where I could get some yellow flowers in the foreground and still have the background mountains in focus using a wide angle lens and stopping way down. The flowers are arrowleaf balsamroot.

There aren't too many kinds of wildflowers out yet, but I have seen some of the more common ones like misson bells (I think that is a great name). I also saw lots of trillium, dwarf waterleaf, and one past prime yellow fawn lily.
A lot depends on the light, otherwise the mountains start to look the same.
Today was mostly an indoors day, catching up on downloads, file naming, backups and printing. I will meet with the Park Service tomorrow and we will pick an image to put on the notice of my workshop and decide on what language we want to use.
More in a couple of days.
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