Saturday, May 10, 2008

Workshop Day

As part of the residency I am supposed to give at least one workshop (actually I thought it was one per week), but everyone seems fine with this one. Decided at the last minute (yesterday afternoon) that a powerpoint might be best to show images that illustrate the points I was making. They had a projector, so I spent a few hours putting it together. I brought a paper outline handout with me, and cut-outs to help with composition. Had some anxiety that no one would show up, but had a decent turnout all things considered. Four staff (one stayed for just part) and four from the community. Did the show, went out, came back and chatted with two of the men until almost 11:30 (we started at 9). I thought it went well.

Came back and spent most of the afternoon editing images from yesterday, posted some on yeserday's post and here are the rest.

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