Did some more packing. Checked at UPS, and was told to allow 8 days for stuff to get to Stehekin. If I send next weekend, I should be able to get confirmation that the boxes with everything from clothing to cameras and tripod arrived before I need to leave.
Heading down to the airport later to confirm there will be no trouble with carrying my camera backpack on board. I may be a little over the top with this concern about getting on the plane, but it seems like every night on the news you see stories of cancelled flights and lost luggage. I really don't want to get to where I a going to take pictures to find that my cameras are still in Detroit. Oh well!!
Double checking my laptop, clearing files, defragging, etc. Thought about getting a new faster laptop for the trip, but since I just got a fast new desktop and will only use the laptop for travel, can't justify. Should probably save the $$$ for D300 or bigger printer for the great landscapes I am going to take : ).
This weekend's (April 4, 2008) Parade magazine. An interesting article by Randy Pausch, a college professor dying of pancreatic cancer. He says always have fun - notable quote: "Time is all you have. And you may find one day that you have less than you think." I hadn't thought about it quite so directly, but that is in part what this trip is all about. Why wait for retirement, when I might be too decrepit to do things that require a little more stamina. Have fun while you can!
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