The jagged mountain at the left in the first image and at the right in the second is Castle Rock.
Several of the mountains along the lake are not named. These mountains rise right up from the Lake, which is less than a half mile wide. They are so big and so close, I can't use my bigger lenses.
A short way north (uplake) from Stehekin the lake ends (at least for now) in a dry river bed. In winter the lake is drained to make capacity for the spring snow melt. For the last several days there has been a strong wind down valley and it lifts the sediment from the lake bed in a mini-dust bowl. The river is starting to rise noticeably, although it is probably somewhat slower than it might have been because it has been relatively cold here.
I was up early this morning photographing Rainbow Falls, a 310 foot waterfall fed by snow melt. Afterward I thought my hands would never warm up.
Mostly I have been going upriver, but I walked downriver this morning on the Lakeshore trail. Some nice shots that I will try for tomorrow.
On May 15, I will be at Stehekin School, giving a photography presentation. It is small school that serves the local community from 1 to 8th grade. The new school house is very nice; the old school house, below, is kept as a museum.